Left Jordan Creek at 10:30. Motored all day Saturday with the wind mostly on our nose, but at least it kept us cool. Except for meeting s/v Double Vision when entering the "ditch" and seeing an eagle flying close by, not much happened. We had the anchor down around 5:45 in Rattlesnake Bay (Alligator R) tucked in out of the wind and chop. Swam, cleaned the props, did a few boat projects. Nice evening and pretty sunset. No rattlesnakes spotted!
We decided to sleep on the trampoline last night, as it was kind of stuffy in the cabin. The wind was pleasant out there and we drifted off quite comfortably. About 2:30 am things got a little more rowdy as the wind was gusting, things were clanking and slapping, and the anchor lines were creaking under the strain. Then we felt the rain drops begin and decided to move inside. Got the hatches closed just in time. But it was true that the holding is good here, as we were right where we should have been in the morning.
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