Tuesday, November 22, 2011


After finally getting the dinghy fiasco resolved (we hope), we left NSB around 12:15. We were able to pull the jib out almost immediately to crank our speed up a notch and get some miles behind us. There were some mighty pretty parts of Florida we traveled through on the Indian River. Lots of birds and dolphins again. No other boats and only one bridge to contend with along the way.

Once we hit Mosquito Bay, we noticed an ominous looking cloud off to the east over the ocean. Sure looked like it was raining over there. Mosquito Bay is pretty similar to Albemarle Sound, except there are fewer crab pots. It has a nice straight channel through it with 1-3 foot depths off to either side. There are some little islands along the way which look as if they would be fun to explore in a kayak. We noticed a few people camping on a couple of them.

But, anyway, the rain finally caught up with us (you knew that was coming, didn't you?) but it wasn't too bad as the wind stayed steady and the rain was pretty light. It managed to obscure our vision somewhat though because there are no wipers on our windscreen. Plus it was blowing in a bit from behind, so the helmsman (or woman in this case) got wet.

We got to Titusville just before dark and picked up a mooring ball. It seemed like a sensible thing to do since we were not familiar with the few area anchorages, daylight was fading rapidly, and it was raining. Who wants to drive around trying to decide where to anchor in the rain? In the morning we'll pull in to get fuel and a pump out, then head to Melbourne.

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