Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Solomon's Island

 We made it to Solomon's Island yesterday but since there was practically no wind, we motored most of the way with a little jib assist.  Lots and lots of boats here but surprising few onshore shops or things of interest.  We walked around a bit, found a bar for a happy hour cocktail, and then headed back to the boat to be entertained by a couple trying to anchor just outside the mooring field.  It seemed they really didn't know what they were doing, but after about six attempts, they did get their anchor to hold.  As long as there is no wind they should be OK.

One nice thing here is that you don't see many derelict boats laying around as you do in many other places.

Here are  some of the examples of this we have seen in the last few days.

Anybody for a free boat?  This one doesn't look as bad as some we've seen.

I guess some people just lose interest in their boat or get to the point where they can't take care of it anymore.  Someone needs to figure out a way to recycle some of them into useful items.

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